
To empower our community to craft local solutions based on local decisions, we have access to the latest research and information about best practices for collaborating and improving the well-being of children and families.

  • Dive into state and local level policies that affect Georgia’s communities.
  • Check out the Evaluation Snapshot series of research summaries that will help as we plan, implement, and account for effects of our strategies on outcomes for children and families.
  • View or download annual reports as well as compendiums regarding topics like building the path to reading proficiency and addressing low birthweight in Georgia.
  • Check out the Georgia Civic Health Index, which seeks to answer the question: “How do Georgians participate in civic life and what does it mean for Georgia?”


ACTION, Inc (Housing Assistance, Employment Training, and Education Assistance)

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren (Support Services for Grandparents/Other Relative Caregivers)

Happy Kids Learning Center (Childcare/Preschool)

Harmony House (Child Victims of Abuse and Adult Victims of Sexual Assault)

Multiple Choices Center for Independent Living (Disability Resource)

Ninth District Opportunity (Utilities and Housing Assistance)

Project Safe (Domestic Violence)